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dark flame master • 2 years ago

wow this case is case that conan can only solve

Krazy_Kirby • 6 months ago

and heiji, and their dads, and others introduced later

strange guy • 1 year ago

Then time not shooting kogoro

Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago


2:53 He's putting salt on his watermelon????

Not sure why Conan just decided to solve this one entirely himself without tranquilizing anyone or hinting at it but that was pretty fun. I guess the trick was a bit more childish than the typical ones..

I'd be so embarrassed if I was the culprit. Like a kid solved the entirety of your murder case, humiliating
Also culprits motive is shit like come on, think of the grandmother

23:38 Did he just take one of the beetles home with him?????

Takagi at the end!!;!?::!+&!!; Jkgjlghkgkhg lmao!!!!

LesK • 2 years ago

it's actually a pretty common condiment for watermelon. the salt hits your tongue and the ions in the salt allow the sweet to get into your taste buds easier. it's like how some bite-sized chocolates have salt sprinkled on them while they cool.

what i want to know is, how'd Conan know there was girl beetle naughty juice on the model? when that drug shrunk him, did it give him super senses? he's heard things that nobody around him heard. smelled things. seen things etc. humans don't have a sense of smell as good as an insect. their pheromones and chemical trails (like ants leave behind them so they don't get lost while on 'walkabout', or the rest of their buddies can follow to the num-nums in your pantry/cupboards) are entirely invisible to our senses. we have to use scientific tests to find those substances.

Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago

Yeah, I definitely think I've seen the salt in watermelon a couple times. It makes sense cuz salt in sweets is real common, I've just never considered it on a fruit. I kinda wanna try it now

Idk maybe he guessed??

Satilinethejay • 11 months ago

Salt on watermelon is pretty good, just make sure you don't put too much salt or it overwhelms it. And putting the watermelon slice in the freezer for a few minutes is also good too.

strange guy • 1 year ago

Felt like a skip this time and I rarely saw that about filler in detective conan ,not a bad episode but I’m probably not gonna remember this over the years

sally • 2 years ago

:( fck this one is too sad. An unnecessary death.

Tran Duy • 2 years ago

yeah lol, i mean u can kill whoever u want but not this fucking guy living with a lonely grandma....

Yu I • 2 years ago

Killing anyone is not okay. No one deserves to be killed and even if that person is a killer, what they deserve is to be in jail forever. That is also what this anime is telling us about.

Est Crit • 2 years ago

I disagree. There are a select few people who are more than deserving of death. People who have committed heinous crimes for example. The lot of them. They dont deserve jail time, even if its for life. Cause you can still find life in prison. find contentment. find happiness in their own twisted way. as long as they're alive they will create their own version of peace.

what they deserve is slow torture. every day every hour every minute of their miserable life. until they beg to be killed. Thats what those people deserve. For some individuals, that wont even be enough. These people need punishment, not some time in a secure place where they can eat shit and live rent free and be around people of the same kind as them. no.

Tran Duy • 2 years ago

ikr? this is anime about murder and detective so expect it to have deaths every episode, but this one is just depressing u know? dont have to teach dogma here.

Krazy_Kirby • 6 months ago

if you murder someone, you don't deserve to live

plutoxoxo • 6 months ago

i miss seeing haibara... bring her back

plutoxoxo • 6 months ago

i don't get it....
why did he kill that guy, i don't understand the motive?
and why was there crayons on the walls?

strange guy • 1 year ago

Different person in the preview

strange guy • 1 year ago

I think another case where conan didn’t need to shot kogoro into sleep mode

strange guy • 1 year ago

An episode I’m probably not gonna come back to because I thought it was fine

Tripple-A • 1 year ago

Interesting trick he used.
This time Conan didn't even try not to solve the whole case directly himself.

Guest • 1 year ago
strange guy • 1 year ago


bari • 2 years ago


CUTE_KITTENZ • 2 years ago

Too early to say this but….is there ever even one episode where they got to save a person from dying 😓

Satilinethejay • 11 months ago

Way earlier in the series, the Sherlock Holmes house case where the guy killed 2 people and tried to kill a third but failed. I think Hattori saved the guy, but I can't remember exactly.

Est Crit • 2 years ago

From the top of my head, Sonoko. episode before this one. She was saved twice remember. But she's a main cast so idk. As for other character that are not part of the main cast, idk lol

EDIT: THE OLD MAN ON THE BUS! also Sonoko again from same episode